

My name is Alexandru Popescu, I’m 23 years old and live in Breaza.
Eight months ago I was diagnosed with Eales syndrome (destruction of blood vessels in the right eye).
I was hospitalized in Bucharest, where I received treatment with Prednison, Edtamin – intravenous vitamin C.
Four times I had laser photocoagulation, but each time vitriene and retinal hemorrhagesĀ relapsed.
I was suspected tuberculosis and allergies, and I even followed a TB treatment, but this was not the diagnosis.
Doctors do not give me too many explanations about my disease and I write every hospital “improved” the health card,
but each time is repeated hemorrhage. I would like to ask those who met with a situation like mine to help me.
Thank you all so much.
Alexandru Popescu – Breaza, tel. 092/46.96.46

[Original text from Formula AS – Nr. 386/1999 magazine]

“Am fost diagnosticat cu sindromul Eales”
Va scriu nutrind nadejdea ca printre numerosii dvs. cititori s-ar putea gasi cineva sa ma ajute.
Ma numesc Alexandru Popescu, am 23 de ani si locuiesc in Breaza.
In urma cu opt luni am fost diagnosticat cu sindromul Eales (distrugerea vaselor de sange la ochiul drept).
Am fost internat in Bucuresti, unde mi s-a administrat tratament cu Prednison, Edtamin – intravenos, Vitamina C.
De patru ori am facut fotocoagulare cu laser, dar de fiecare data hemoragiile retiniene si vitriene au recidivat.
Am fost suspectat si de o alergie tuberculostatica si am urmat chiar un tratament Tbc, insa nu acesta era diagnosticul.
Medicii nu-mi dau prea multe explicatii despre boala mea si la fiecare externare imi scriu “ameliorat” pe carnetul de sanatate,
dar de fiecare data hemoragia se repeta. Doresc sa-i rog pe cei care s-au intalnit cu o situatie ca a mea sa ma ajute.
Va multumesc tuturor din suflet.
Alexandru Popescu – Breaza, tel. 092/46.96.46

One thought on “Case-RO-1999-AP”

  1. Hello Alexandru, I am currently experiencing the same situation. I had my eyes lasered and injected already. I have also taken medications for TB however the bleeding is still recurring. I have consulted lots of retina specialist and they have different opinions regarding my condition. My first doctor told me to just continue with injecting my eyes. Second doctor told me that my eyes should be lasered all the way with some injections and lastly, third doctor told me to proceed with vitrectomy since injecting and lasering my eyes previously did not stop the bleeding.

    Now, i’ll be having my eyes checked again via fundus photography then i’ll be scheduled for another injection to prevent the bleeding.

    Having this said, i really appreciate you sharing your experiences regarding your condition. However i would like to know how are you doing right now? Maybe it would help both of us if we can share thoughts on this situation.

    Thank you so much

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